ICLC16 interim site

Due to a security breach on our Faculty's servers, the actual ICLC16 site is down at the moment. We expect it to be back online by June 8.

As soon as the ICLC16 site is back, you'll be able to find it here. We'll also redirect iclc16.com to the actual site as soon as it is becomes available again, but there might be small delay.

In the meantime, you can find an archived snapshot of the ICLC16 site here.

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The preliminary skeleton programme of the conference can be found here.

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List of accepted papers and posters

Presenter Title
Esther Serwaah Afreh Metaphor, Politics and Gender: A Case Study from Ghana
Sarah Ahrens Adaptation of Easy Language Rules to the Needs of Readers with German as L2
Ameen Alahdal Turn-Taking-Free Conversation
Keith Allan, Réka Benczes, Kate Burridge, Mia Lindgren and Lilla Petronella Szabó Don’t worry, be a senior? The effect of linguistic labelling on the coverage of late-life anxiety and depression in major Australian newspapers
Jakob Altmann Influence of the category of definiteness on the semantic field – contrastive analysis of selected German-Polish and Polish-German translations of non-fictional and literary texts
Luana Amaral, Fernando Oliveira and Cândido Oliveira The clitic se and inchoative constructions in Brazilian Portuguese: a replication of Lundquist et al.’s (2016) experiment
Luana Amaral and Alexandre Carvalho Constraints on lexical-constructional integration: substance emission verbs and the stative passive construction
Luiz Amaral and Candido Samuel Fonseca de Oliveira Categorization and Generalization in Second Language Acquisition: Evidence from resultative constructions in L2-English/L1-Portuguese
Giorgos Amoiridis and Thanasis Georgakopoulos "Theme session: CROSS-LINGUISTIC COLEXIFICATIONS ACROSS RESEARCH FIELDS - "Colexification patterns in the lexicon of physical actions: Synchrony and diachrony"
Fien Andries, Clarissa de Vries, Katharina Meissl, Geert Brône, Kurt Feyaerts, Bert Oben, Paul Sambre and Myriam Vermeerbergen Theme session MULTIMODAL STANCE-TAKING IN GESTURE AND SIGN - Enactment in contrasting stance acts: a multimodal corpus-based approach
Nina Arisci, Ellen Rombouts, Laura Rosseel and Eline Zenner Harnessing atypical developmental profiles to disentangle the link between social functioning, language production, and input
A. Mariana Orozco Arreola and Mary Rosa Espinosa Ochoa Early productions of Nominal Plural Inflection. A Cognitive Grammar Analysis
Hiwa Asadpour Efficient behavior and Target word order variation in low-resource languages of northwestern Iran
Panos Athanasopoulos and Evripidis Rizos Theme session AD HOC COGNITION AND THE WHORFIAN QUESTION: TOWARDS AN EXPERIENTIAL AND SITUATED MODEL OF LANGUAGE-THOUGHT INTERACTIONS - Whorf fought the law (and the law won): Grammatical gender and COVID-19
Dinah Baer-Henney and Dominic Schmitz Learning morphology with the help of subphonemic detail?
Alexandra Bagasheva X-upper constructions in English
Tanima Bagchi Body representation in linguistic expressions of emotions in Bangla
Tanima Bagchi and Sanjukta Ghosh Compound Verb Structure and Conceptualization of Perception in Bangla
Piret Baird, Anna Verschik and Reili Argus “USAGE-BASED APPROACHES TO MULTILINGUALISM - Contact phenomena in English-Estonian early bilingualism”
Hassan Banaruee, Danyal Farsani and Omid Khatin-Zadeh Motion Events in English Language Teaching: An investigation of Manner in the context of Australia, Iran, and Turkey
Marie-Louise Bartsch Constructing 'modal' networks - possibilities and possible limitations of a usage-based approach of modalverbs based on written interactions
Barend Beekhuizen CROSS-LINGUISTIC COLEXIFICATIONS ACROSS RESEARCH FIELDS: Discursive variation explains colexification: A lexicon-wide case study on the DoReCo corpus
Heike Behrens Theme session GRAMMATICAL CONSTRUCTIONS AND THE USAGE-BASED MODEL: Constructions and grammatical categories: Do rules facilitate language acquisition?
Rümeysa Bektaş R-morpheme as the realization of the boundary-crossing concept in child and adult German
Réka Benczes, István Benczes and Bence Ságvári When life is not a journey: The effect of COVID-19 lockdown measures on the metaphorical conceptualization of life among Hungarian adults – a representative survey
Marie-Christine Benen Contextually constrained, locally free – Shifted subjectivity and non-anaphoric reflexives
Christian Bentz WORDS AND MEANINGS - Beyond words: Lower and upper bounds on the entropy of subword units in diverse languages
Avgustina Biryukova The conceptualisation of BOREDOM in English, French and Russian: a quantitative corpus-driven study
Hans C. Boas, Jaakko Leino and Benjamin Lyngfelt Theme session GRAMMATICAL CONSTRUCTIONS AND THE USAGE-BASED MODEL - What’s Construction Grammar doing Usage-Based?
Anna Bonifazi MENTAL SPACES, BLENDING AND VIEWPOINT: PAPERS IN MEMORY OF GILLES FAUCONNIER - A mental-space account of embedded viewpoint for anaphoric constructions countering coreference rules
Anna Bordilovskaya Competition between ZA- and V- Prefixes for IN-PATH Description in Russian
Reetom Borkotoky The semantics of Compound verbs and its representation using FrameNet: The case of Assamese.
Tamara Bouso and Marianne Hundt We tried our best to do so: Modelling the Superlative Objoid Construction in Late Modern American English
Utku Bozdag Framing Fled People: An Analysis of Turkish Media's Use of Migration Metaphors on Twitter in Covering Fled People
James Brand, Mikuláš Preininger, Adam Kříž and Markéta Ceháková AD HOC COGNITION AND THE WHORFIAN QUESTION: TOWARDS AN EXPERIENTIAL AND SITUATED MODEL OF LANGUAGE-THOUGHT INTERACTIONS Conceptual and grammatical gender at scale: Normative estimates across Czech and English
Thomas Brochhagen and Gemma Boleda THEME SESSION: CROSS-LINGUISTIC COLEXIFICATIONS ACROSS RESEARCH FIELDS - When do languages use the same word for different meanings? The Goldilocks principle in colexification
Thomas Brochhagen Theme session WORDS AND MEANINGS - Characterizing cross-linguistic regularities beyond semantic similarity
Thomas Brunner The ordering of matrix clauses and subordinate causal clauses in the Old Bailey Corpus 1720–1913
Andreas Buerki Inheritance as a useful notion in a usage-based constructicon
Polina Bychkova, Polina Kozlova, Polina Leonova and Daria Ryzhova Fifty shades of 'no'
Yakiv Bystrov Fractal Metaphor MEMORY IS IDENTITY in Autobiographical Narrative
John Campbell-Larsen Spoken fluency: Is the internal dialogue a model for spoken interaction, or the other way around?
Yu Cao and Heng Li Worrying about Your Future: How Anxiety Influences People’s Implicit Spatial Conceptions of Time
Bert Cappelle Modeling a constructional family without a mother?!
Gerd Carling Theme session WORDS AND MEANINGS - Evolutionary aspects of lexical meaning. A computational phylogenetic study of colexifying meanings
Daniel Casasanto Theme session: AD HOC COGNITION AND THE WHORFIAN QUESTION: TOWARDS AN EXPERIENTIAL AND SITUATED MODEL OF LANGUAGE-THOUGHT INTERACTIONS Talk title: Ad Hoc Whorf: How language shapes minds on three time scales
Lang Chen How necessity is expressed in research articles: a frame semantics perspective
Yue Chen Modeling the choice between two near-synonymous possessive constructions in Mandarin Chinese: a corpus-based study exploring linguistic and extralinguistic factors
Hongjun Chen and Wei Qi Contextual effects on Chinese idiom processing: an ERP study
Yiting Chen NEW PERSPECTIVES ON COMMUNICATIVE EFFICIENCY: Iconicity, frequency, or efficiency? A related-event approach to causality in Japanese complex predicates
Po-Ju Chen Behavioral Profile: Quantitative Corpus-Based Study of Temporal Adverbial Yixia and Yihui in Mandarin
Mbanefo Chukwuogor Spatial Frames of Reference in Igbo
Monika Chwalczuk and Robert Balas Multimodal speech processing in consecutive dialogue interpreting: Evidence from EEG and HRV experiments
Alan Cienki Theme session MULTIMODAL STANCE-TAKING IN GESTURE AND SIGN - Variable embodiment of stance-taking and footing in simultaneous interpreting
Maite Zaragoza Cortés, Faustino Diéguez-Vide and Isabel Gomez-Ruiz Structural language distance: the invisible variable in modeling the bilingual brain. An approach from Parkinson’s disease
Václav Cvrček and Masako Fidler THEME SESSION Pushing Everyone’s Buttons: Cognitive Methods in Political Discourse Analysis”: Identifying political orientation among Czech media classes using Market Basket Analysis
Barbara Dancygier and Lieven Vandelanotte MENTAL SPACES, BLENDING AND VIEWPOINT: PAPERS IN MEMORY OF GILLES FAUCONNIER - Discourse spaces, stance-stacking and viewpoint blends in Internet memes
Barbara Dancygier and Lieven Vandelanotte Personal pronouns and the construction of memetic meaning
Philipp Dankel THE CONCEPTUALIZATION AND EMBODIMENT OF LIST CONSTRUCTIONS ACROSS SIGNED AND SPOKEN LANGUAGES. Pattern of form and function of bodily resources in listing practices beyond Standard Average European
Elitzur Dattner, Orit Ashkenazi, Dorit Ravid and Ronit Levie Modeling morphological development using Network Analysis
Robert Daugs That story is hella akward! Tracing the diffusion and usualization of hella intensification
Yu Deng and Minjun Park Source-Goal Asymmetry in Event Segmentation:A Comparison of English, Korean, and Mandarin
Lukas Denk The impact of structural properties in the adaptation of utterances
Simon Devylder, Laura Janda and Lene Antonsen Language adapts to its environment: The case of morphosyntactic reduction in Paamese and North Sámi
Asma Dhifallah A corpus-based study of EGO CENTERED Motion Metaphors of Time in Modern Standard Arabic
Nadine Dietrich Debunking the ‘pure-future’ myth: towards an entirely modal understanding of futurity in English
Jinmeng Dou and Meichun Liu Metaphor or Emotion: Image-based color associations among the senses of the Chinese color terms hēi ‘black’ and bái ‘white’
Kim-Kristin Droste Modeling a network of morphological constructions with locative prefixoids on a micro-, meso-, and macro-level
Jing Du and Shan Zuo DIACHRONIC PERSPECTIVES ON FORM-MEANING MAPPING: TESTING THE MACRO-EVENT HYPOTHESIS - Attraction or Differentiation: Diachronic Changes in the Causative Alternation of Chinese Change of State Verbs
Henan Duan, Helen Zhao and Jonathon Lum A Usage-Based Study of Preposition Pied-piping and Stranding: Effects of Phrasal Frequency and Collocational Strength
Sarah Duffy, Jeannette Littlemore, Sarah Turner, Bodo Winter and Greg Woodin How children and adults use metaphor to reason about time, number, emotion, and music
René Dutschke, Ulrike M. Pfeifer and Sophia M. Seemann Disruption and Societal Change: Exploring Knowledge Systems and Practices
Khalid Elasri and Rachid Ed-Dali The Effect of L1 on the Acquisition of English Alternating Unaccusative Structures by Moroccan EFL learners
Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen The Danish Sign Language sign ÆGTE (‘genuine’) and its functions as a marker of intensification, epistemic modality and subjective emphasis
Riku Erkkilä The interplay of conceptualization and case marking in the directional cases of Udmurt
Mary Espinosa Many Paths Toward One Complex System: The Acquisition of Continuous and Discontinuous Constructions in the Yucatec Mayan Deictic System
Chikelu Ezenwafor-Afuecheta Subject-Object Switching in Etulo: A Cognitive Approach
Sarah Faidt CONSTRUCTIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON MOTION EVENT ENCODING: LANGUAGE TYPOLOGY, USAGE, AND ACQUISITION Constructional variation in the encoding of PATH and GROUND information in German L1 child-adult interaction
Marlene Johansson Falck and Lacey Okonski Unexpected Abstract to Concrete Metonymies in Corpus Data
Like Fan DIACHRONIC PERSPECTIVES ON MEANING-FORM MAPPING: TESTING THE MACRO-EVENT HYPOTHESIS-Can Macro Event Hypothesis Solve the "Core Dispute" of Chinese Verb Complement Structure
Quentin Feltgen The mutualistic organization of sister constructions: an ecological network approach to the structure of the constructicon
Gertraud Fenk-Oczlon NEW PERSPECTIVES ON COMMUNICATIVE EFFICIENCY: Working memory constraints: Implications for efficient coding of messages
Paulo Ferreira Cognitive and functional motivations in the productive schema[[X]N -ar]V in Brazilian Portuguese: the “sextar” construction and its analogous lexical instantiations
Vladimir Feshchenko Continuous reframing: cognitive linguistics meets experimental poetry
Kurt Feyaerts The emergence of multimodal grammatical construct(ion)s through pointing gestures
Susanne Flach GRAMMATICAL CONSTRUCTIONS AND THE USAGE-BASED MODEL Nodes, links, and psychological plausibility: A case study of the make-causative
Jens Fleischhauer The 'principle of no synonymy' and light verb constructions – A case study on German stative light verbs
Jens Fleischhauer and Dila Turus A corpus-based study on putative synonymous light verb constructions in German
Fabian Fleissner How to get into Containers: Spatialization and the emergence of German ‘Come to mind’ and Light verb constructions
Lauren Fonteyn, Folgert Karsdorp and Enrique Manjavacas Measuring functional diversity: where corpus linguistics meets ecology
Zygmunt Frajzyngier and Kyung-Im Han Two levels of ontological categories and the cognitive state
Tasheney Francis See- I saw: Epistemic justification as justification of the witness
Karlien Franco and Dirk Geeraerts Explaining the speed of lexical change in historical Dutch
Alexandre François and Siva Kalyan [CROSS-LINGUISTIC COLEXIFICATIONS ACROSS RESEARCH FIELDS] Dialexification: A tool for studying cross-linguistic patterns of semantic change
Seiko Fujii Theme Session: MENTAL SPACES, BLENDING AND VIEWPOINT: PAPERS IN MEMORY OF GILLES FAUCONNIER. Embedded mental spaces and viewpoints in embedded insubordination constructions in Japanese and English
Birgit Füreder From theory to empiry and back again: A cognitively inspired model for complex verbal constructions in Romance
Richard Futrell Theme session NEW PERSPECTIVES ON COMMUNICATIVE EFFICIENCY: An information-theoretic account of accessibility effects in language production
Laurence Gagnon and Anne-Marie Parisot Analyzing the sublexical structure of LSQ neologisms
Françoise Gallez THEME SESSION: CONSTRUCTIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON MOTION EVENT ENCODING: LANGUAGE TYPOLOGY, USAGE, AND ACQUISITION Title: Redefining the link between the caused motion and the resultative construction in German
Vania De la Garza, Miquel Llompart and Ewa Dąbrowska The relationship between morphosyntactic productivity and print exposure in native Spanish speakers
Laurent Gautier [INTENSIFYING] as a ground culture-bound category in weather sayings: a cultural linguistic analysis along the West Germanic dialect continuum
Tan Arda Gedik and Ewa Dąbrowska Literacy-related Differences in Turkish Suffix Bundles
Silvia Gennari and Yaqi Wang AD HOC COGNITION AND THE WHORFIAN QUESTION: towards an experiential and situated model of language-thought interactions: Event descriptions, task demands and memory for event duration
Racha Sahar Rahal Gharbi and Sabina Tabacaru Multimodality in Stand-up Comedy: A Case of Gestural Triggers and Intonational Cues
Riccardo Ginevra and Anna Bonifazi MENTAL SPACES, BLENDING AND VIEWPOINT: PAPERS IN MEMORY OF GILLES FAUCONNIER - Mental space compression in ancient myths
Nikolas Gisborne and Graeme Trousdale Networks all the way down
Vladimir Glebkin, Varvara Kuznetsova, Nikolay Bokhanov and Ekaterina Ivleva Linguistic competence as an object of experimental research
Vladimir Glebkin and Elizaveta Evchuk Sociocultural factors influencing an onomasiological competition: the case of constructions of otkryvat' butylku ‘to open a bottle’ and otkuporivat' butylku ‘to uncork a bottle’
Dylan Glynn Theme session GRAMMATICAL CONSTRUCTIONS AND THE USAGE-BASED MODEL Emergent Constructions. A case study in modelling the composite structure in a non-modular non-discrete grammar of the STEAL event frame
Devet Goodness and Okoa Simile The pragmatics and sociolinguistic use of body part mkono 'hand' in Kiswahili
Tanja Gradečak, Mario Brdar and Rita Brdar-Szabó All this metonymy stuff or conceptual indeterminacy as emotional response to crisis
Stefan Th. Gries Collostructions revisited: making it simpler, making it better
Christine Grillborzer On the argument fronting in Slavic languages - Constructional approach
Kimberly Grogan MENTAL SPACES, BLENDING AND VIEWPOINT: PAPERS IN MEMORY OF GILLES FAUCONNIER Climate change discourse: blending and viewpoint in multimodal artifacts
Kimberly Grogan and Elise Stickles Climate change: a constructional approach
Gábor Győri and Tímea Berényi-Nagy Basic level categories in multilingual cognition
Anna Hagel Sound correspondence patterns as cross-linguistic knowledge
Beate Hampe, Mark Turner and Peter Uhrig “Researching multimodal constructions: Theoretical and empirical foundations II”
Peter Harder A variational analysis of the concept of ‘racism’.
Christopher Hart and Javier Marmol Queralto Intersemiotic Convergence in Multimodal Texts: A Cognitive Linguistic Approach
Yoichiro Hasebe Redefining the current discourse space model as a recursive monadic architecture
Martin Haspelmath WORDS AND MEANINGS: CROSS-LINGUISTIC VARIABILITY AND REGULARITY IN THE LEXICON Coexpression and synexpression patterns in lexical and grammatical typology
Rachel Hatchard Applying the usage-based approach to language disorder: An examination of noun phrases in aphasia
John Hawkins Theme session NEW PERSPECTIVES ON COMMUNICATIVE EFFICIENCY: What the conventions of grammars tell us about communicative efficiency: Some current issues and prospects
Ronaldy Heitkoetter and André Xavier “THE CONCEPTUALIZATION AND EMBODIMENT OF LIST CONSTRUCTIONS ACROSS SIGNED AND SPOKEN LANGUAGES - A comparative study of list buoys in the production of two Libras signers”
Thomas Herbst Modelling Syntactic Analysis in a Constructionist Framework: the CASA approach
Manon Hermann and Françoise Gallez Lexicalization patterns for the expression of motion and localization in German: an embodied teaching approach.
Eva López Hernández The study of inclusive language in written Spanish: A prototype-based approach
Mariko Higuchi A Cognitive Grammar View on the Progressive Construction
Martin Hilpert, David Correia Saavedra and Jennifer Rains GRAMMATICAL CONSTRUCTIONS AND THE USAGE-BASED MODEL - English clippings and their source words: A constructional perspective
Jennifer Hinnell and Sally Rice THE CONCEPTUALIZATION AND EMBODIMENT OF LIST CONSTRUCTIONS ACROSS SIGNED AND SPOKEN LANGUAGES: The Semantics and Pragmatics of Gestured Listing Constructions in English
Katie Hoemann Modeling the meaning of emotion words using multimodal features of real-world contexts
Thomas Van Hoey, Xiaoyu Yu, Pan Tungle and Do Youngah Bridging corpus and norm: Mandarin sensory adjectival phrases
Thomas Hoffmann Theme session GRAMMATICAL CONSTRUCTIONS AND THE USAGE-BASED MODEL – Usage-based Construction Grammar as the cognitive theory for post-colonial Englishes
Klaus Hofmann and Nikolaus Ritt An agent-based modeling approach to the evolution of stress pattern diversity in English
Klaus Hofmann, Andreas Baumann, Anna Marakasova, Julia Neidhardt and Tanja Wissik Semantic micro-dynamics as a reflex of occurrence frequency: a semantic networks approach
Chiara Hoheisel and Martin Thiering How Framing Influences Understanding and Acceptance: The Case of Polyamory
Jakob Horsch Corroborating corpus data with elicited introspection data: A case study
Hikaru Hotta Psycholinguistic evidence against frequency effects for multi-morphemic sequences in Japanese
Min-Chun Hsiao and Laura Michaelis Hammer out a corpus-based study without a hammer: Effects of semantic bleaching on argument structures of English denominal verbs
Ying-Hsueh Hu Countability of nouns and the use of articles in EFL classrooms
Shuping Huang Affective positioning in internet celebrity events: The use of deictic terms to agree and engage
Chunfang Huang and Dandan Wu A Cognitive Approach to Personification in Chinese Courtroom Discourse
Elisabeth Huber Recursivity in polylexemic compounding from a cognitive linguistic perspective
Peter Hull Liberating energy: Investigating physicists’ use of anthropomorphic cognitive metaphors when modeling matter-energy interactions in English and German
Ansley Chi-Lin Hung and Alvin Cheng-Hsien Chen (A)symmetry of Spatial Verticality in Mandarin: A corpus-based conceptualization of shàng and xià space particle constructions
Tuomas Huumo Quantity scales vs. intensity scales: degree modification of quantifiers in Finnish
Nely M Iglesias Iglesias and Pedro Ivorra Ordines Zum Brüllen komisch. Intensifying with verbal constructions. A corpus-based study in German and Spanish
Tatjana Ilic Modality and causation: Evidence from Finnish morphological causatives
Kazuko Inoue Explaining locative alternations in terms of frequency of use: A corpus-based diachronic approach to English spray/load alternations
Ahmad Izadi Beyond definiteness: exploring epistemic and relational accounts of e-marked formulations in Persian interactions
Tiziana Jäggi, Sayaka Sato and Pascal Mark Gygax Theme Session AD HOC COGNITION AND THE WHORFIAN QUESTION. TOWARDS AN EXPERIMENTAL AND SITUATED MODEL OF LANGUAGE-THOUGHT INTERACTION - Skin cancer probability assessment and the grammaticalization of the future. The rolel of epistemic modality
Laura Janda, Masako Fidler, Václav Cvrček and Anna Obukhova Theme Session Pushing Everyone’s Buttons: Cognitive Methods in Political Discourse Analysis; Putin makes his case
Terry Janzen, Barbara Shaffer and Lorraine Leeson Theme session: MENTAL SPACES, BLENDING AND VIEWPOINT: PAPERS IN MEMORY OF GILLES FAUCONNIER - Blended spaces in simultaneous interpreting: Signers’ and gesturers’ subjective representations of speakers’ texts
Diogo H. Jasmins Proposing a Radial Tree Network for the Diachronic Analysis of Blending
Hongxia Jia DIACHRONIC PERSPECTIVES ON MEANING-FORM MAPPING: TESTING THE MACRO-EVENT HYPOTHESIS-Causative Alternation in Mandarin Resultatives:A Macro-event Perspective
Yanan Jin and Yanan Jin Grief Metaphors with Low Conventionality and Sadness Intensity Evaluation in German Memorial Texts – An empirical study from the perspective of cognitive semantics
Berit Johannsen Safe words: Frames, constructions and UK newspaper discourse on transgender people
Caitlin Johnstone MENTAL SPACES, BLENDING AND VIEWPOINT: PAPERS IN MEMORY OF GILLES FAUCONNIER.The Future is Now: Blending theory and the reconfiguration of the climate crisis
Nina Julich-Warpakowski and Antje Quick “I see what you are trying to do” - Investigating metaphor acquisition in German-English bilingual children
Motomi Kajitani Theme session: THE CONCEPTUALIZATION AND EMBODIMENT OF LIST CONSTRUCTIONS ACROSS SIGNED AND SPOKEN LANGUAGES---Partial Listing, etc.: The Case of the Japanese X toka Construction
Petra Kanasugi Comparing constructions – the case of the Japanese construction -te kuru and English construction come to V
Masaru Kanetani Speakers move unconsciously but meaningfully: A multimodal constructional analysis of twin forms in English
Ji-in Kang and Iksoo Kwon We're entering a housing bubble, while leaving our pandemic bubble: Changing meanings of bubble in relation to the outbreak of COVID-19
Lumi Kang and Iksoo Kwon MENTAL SPACES, BLENDING AND VIEWPOINT: PAPERS IN MEMORY OF GILLES FAUCONNIER - “What Happened to My Body My Choice?”: Viewpoint Stacking and the Construal of Picket Signs
Vsevolod Kapatsinski When is a form good enough? How we avoid producing forms with unintended meanings
Owen Kapelle and Monique Flecken Theme session AD HOC COGNITION AND THE WHORFIAN QUESTION: TOWARDS AN EXPERIENTIAL AND SITUATED MODEL OF LANGUAGE-THOUGHT INTERACTIONS - A large-scale systematic review of the experimental work on the effect of language on the perception of colour.
Alice Karbanova, Alice Karbanova and Alice Karbanova Interactions between music and language on the semantic level in a song
Stephanie Kaucke and Marcel Schlechtweg Exploiting a cognitive learning bias for vowel harmony to acquire a non-native vowel contrast
Blerina Kelmendi & Claudia Maria Riehl USAGE-BASED APPROACHES TO MULTILINGUALISM: Language mixing within al Albanian-German bilingual family network
Panagiotis Kenanidis, Ewa Dąbrowska, Miquel Llompart and Diana Pili-Moss Cognitive abilities underlying the early stages of L2 acquisition: An artificial language study
Omid Khatin-Zadeh, Zahra Eskandari, Hassan Banaruee, Maria Jose Seckel Santis and Danyal Farsani Understanding perceptual change as a movement in literal and metaphorical sentences
Omid Khatin-Zadeh, Zahra Eskandari, Florencia Reali, Hassan Banaruee and Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos Are metaphorical classes essentially abstract?
Johanna Kiik, Maarja-Liisa Pilvik and Ann Veismann The Constructions and Productivity of super-, mega-, öko-, retro- and pseudo- in Estonian
Clara Kindler and Cornelia Müller Affective stance-taking in mediatised political speeches of “Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen” (The German ‘Green Party’)
Jelena Kirejeva War-triggered Negative Emotions: the Case of Russia
Minna Kirjavainen, Kait Clark, Anna Piasecki, Nikki Hayfield and Helen Bovill The effect of language on gender salience
Mana Kitazawa Diachronic changes in the production or interpretation of public messages: Focusing on figures of speech in corporate profiles
Daniel Kjellander and Suzanne Kemmer Visual motivation for lexical blending
Jane Klavan, Mariann Proos, Piia Taremaa and Ann Veismann Experiments on the pages of Cognitive Linguistics from 2012 to 2022
Natalia Knoblock Theme session PUSHING EVERYONE'S BUTTONS: COGNITIVE METHODS IN POLITICAL DISCOURSE: A Politician’s Speech Echoed in Computer-Mediated Communication of his Supporters
Sabine De Knop and Françoise Gallez Theme session: CONSTRUCTIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON MOTION EVENT ENCODING : LANGUAGE TYPOLOGY, USAGE, AND ACQUISITION - Title: A contrastive study of Germanic satellite-framed languages: The role of prepositions, postpositions and morphosyntactic case-marking
Laurits Stapput Knudsen, Tom Ennever, Eleanor Yacopetti, Joe Blythe, Maïa Ponsonnet, Alice Gaby and Bill Palmer A Cognitive Discourse Analysis of task participant behaviour in elicitation situations
Nikolas Koch USAGE-BASED APPROACHES TO MULTILINGUALISM – How creative are children's language mixtures? The role of chunks as fixed linguistic patterns in child code-mixing.
Birgit Kohn Ice-blue, dog-tired and bad-ass: Nouns as adjective modifiers and intensifiers
Tetsuta Komatsubara The fictive source domain: Extending metaphorical worlds via the X as if Y construction
Xiangyu Kong An Analysis of the Prototype Meaning and Metaphorical Extension Meaning of the “Out of+ Noun” Structure Based on the Image Schema Theory
Alexander Koplenig, Sascha Wolfer and Peter Meyer Theme session New perspectives on communicative efficiency | Human languages trade off complexity against efficiency
Sirma Kostadinova The President as a Traveller and a Hero: Conceptual Metaphors in Inaugural Speech
Xinyan Kou and Jill Hohenstein Result certainty in verbs influences memory of event results
Ana Krajinovic and Xavier Rodrigues How internet memes evolve and become as abstract as | || || |_
Kobie van Krieken, José Sanders and Linde van Schuppen Theme session MENTAL SPACES, BLENDING AND VIEWPOINT: PAPERS IN MEMORY OF GILLES FAUCONNIER - Viewpoint embedding in the life stories of people with schizophrenia
Mai Kumamoto and Dylan Glynn Language use as evidence for distinct cross-linguistic conceptual structure. A corpus study of social emotions in French and English
Ayaka Kunimasa Experiencers of the construction of “It feels ADJ to VERB” and (inter)subjectivity in the discourse
Daiya Kuryu On the multimodality of ADV and ADV constructions
Iksoo Kwon MENTAL SPACES, BLENDING AND VIEWPOINT: PAPERS IN MEMORY OF GILLES FAUCONNIER - Space embedding and epistemic stance: A Mental-space approach to I promise and I guarantee constructions
Dahliane Labertoniere, Géraldine Jean-Charles and Katrin Skoruppa Influence of situational context on word learning in 14- and 19-month-old children
Dahliane Labertoniere, Géraldine Jean-Charles and Katrin Skoruppa Are words for objects easier to learn than words for actions?
Catherine Laing, Tamar Keren-Portnoy, Ghada Khattab and Shayne Sloggett Size Sound Symbolism in Mothers’ Speech to their Infants
Catherine Laing Exploring systematicity in the developing lexicon with phonological networks
Schuyler Laparle MENTAL SPACES, BLENDING AND VIEWPOINT: PAPERS IN MEMORY OF GILLES FAUCONNIER - Gesture space ambiguity as conceptual integration
James Law Metaphor and pragmaticalization of Romance motion verbs
Michal Láznička Into the er cage: Frequency effects and fluency in aphasia
Benoît Leclercq and Cameron Morin From ‘no symonymy’ to ‘no equivalence’.
Kangwon Lee and Kaoru Horie Differential discourse strategies regarding pragmatically “redundant” information: A functional account of the differential verbalization patterns of referring expressions in Japanese and Korean
Kent Lee Schematic semantic conceptualization of English definite noun phrases
Maarten Lemmens and Mégane Lesuisse Cognitive reflexes of language-specific preferences: evidence from memorisation and eye-gazing
Ryan Lepic and Savithry Namboodiripad The Wickedly Flexible Adele Dazeem Construction
Sterre Leufkens Theme session NEW PERSPECTIVES ON COMMUNICATIVE EFFICIENCY: Redundancy in nominal plural marking
Wojciech Lewandowski and Ozcaliskan Seyda CONSTRUCTIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON MOTION EVENT ENCODING: LANGUAGE TYPOLOGY, USAGE, AND ACQUISITION Running across the mind or across the park: Does speech about physical and metaphorical motion go hand in hand? Theme session
Yi Li, Benedikt Szmrecsanyi and Weiwei Zhang A cognitive sociolinguistic analysis of the theme-recipient alternation in Mandarin Chinese, and of its sensitivity to lectal factors
Siyu Li, Yaning Dai and Qingnan Meng A Multivariate Quantitative Study on English Modal Construction from a Variationist Linguistics Perspective — A Case Study of must, have to, have got to
Zifan Li and Fuyin Li DIACHRONIC PERSPECTIVES ON FORM-MEANING MAPPING: TESTING THE MACRO-EVENT HYPOTHESIS - The Symmetry and Asymmetry of the Complements guòlái/come over and guòqù/ go over from the perspective of Macro-event
Jinmei Li and Jingwen Fang Children's Construal of Intermediary Instrumental Causal Chains: from the Perspective of Event Integration
Ruiyang Li and Fuyin Li DIACHRONIC PERSPECTIVES ON MEANING-FORM MAPPING: TESTING THE MACRO-EVENT HYPOTHESIS-Diachronic Evolution Continuum of Macro-event Reflected by Resultative Verb Complement in Chinese
Fuyin Thomas Li DIACHRONIC PERSPECTIVES ON MEANING-FORM MAPPING: TESTING THE MACRO-EVENT HYPOTHESIS-The Macro-event Hypothesis: Evidence from the Resultative Constructions in Mandarin
Fuyin Thomas Li DIACHRONIC PERSPECTIVES ON MEANING-FORM MAPPING: TESTING THE MACRO-EVENT HYPOTHESIS-The Macro-event Hypothesis: Evidence from Resultative Constructions in Mandarin
Stephanie Lieboldt and Katja Politt Delicate women and scraggy men – Implicit stereotype marking through attribution
Yen-Ting Lin Semantic Typology: New Approaches to Unpacking Conceptual Transfer in Bilingualism
Yiguang Liu, Cheng Luo, Jing Zheng, Junying Liang and Nai Ding Working memory asymmetrically modulates auditory and linguistic processing of speech
Meili Liu The alternation of the Mandarin disposal constructions: quantifying the evolutionary dynamics across twelve centuries
Zoey Liu, Ria Upreti, Mathew Kramer and Savithry Namboodiripad Theme session New perspectives on communicative efficiency — Does One Size Fit all in Crosslinguistic Dependency Length Minimization?
Shuning Liu “Mom is not invincible”: A critical metaphor analysis of regretting motherhood posts on Chinese Weibo
Qian Liu and Yi'Na Wang Subjectivity of Chinese and English Null/Pronoun Personal Subjects: A Grounding Analysis
Shishan Liu A Corpus-Based Behavioral Profile Approach on Action Verbs Bào and Pù in Mandarin News Headlines
Jiehai Liu Explaining the Mirativity of Verbal Classifier Constructions in Mandarin Chinese
Na Liu, Fuyin Li and Xiaofang Wu DIACHRONIC PERSPECTIVES ON FORM-MEANING MAPPING: TESTING THE MACRO-EVENT HYPOTHESIS-Modelling the Typological Shift of Chinese: Evidence from 使-shǐ-make and Macro-event at Work
Miquel Llompart and Ewa Dabrowska GRAMMATICAL CONSTRUCTIONS AND THE USAGE-BASED MODEL - Construction, allostruction or general pattern?
Reyes Llopis-Garcia, Beatriz Martín-Gascón and Irene Alonso-Aparicio One size fits all? Rethinking assessment at the crossroads of teaching+learning+research
Natalia Logvinova Regular vs. assumption based questions: relevance for the grammar of polar questions in Slavic and in typology
Arne Lohmann, Regina Stodden, Laura Kallmeyer, Julia Henkel and Katja Biermann-Ruben Do Parkinson’s Disease patients exhibit a reduced use of action words? – A semantic vector analysis of action verb usage in spontaneous production
Alexandra Lorson, Vinicius Macuch Silva, Christopher Hart and Bodo Winter Seeing gestures can change what numbers you have in mind
Nicolás Acuña Luongo Interaction between word processing and low-level visual representation in college students with ASD
Shudong Ma Windowing assemblies in Chinese and English use
Akira Machida Some Theoretical Implications of Two Intersubjective Viewing Arrangements: A New Look at Japanese Cognitive Grammar
Nicky Macias Mouth Actions as a Social Index of Gender in ASL Pronouns, Dispelling the Myth that ASL Pronominal Reference is Gender Neutral
Stanley Madonsela A constructional approach to the lexicalization of synsets in African WordNet: The case of possessive constructions
Martin Maier and Rasha Abdel Rahman AD HOC COGNITION AND THE WHORFIAN QUESTION: TOWARDS AN EXPERIENTIAL AND SITUATED MODEL OF LANGUAGE-THOUGHT INTERACTIONS — Transient and lasting linguistic influences on visual perception: shifting brain dynamics over time
Anastasia Makarova and Yulia Rodina Third language acquisition meets cognitive linguistics
Sarah-Therese Mann Where is the agent? Insights from an empirical study on eye-witness memory expressing agency in German
Stela Manova Modeling language data and evaluating linguistic analyses with mathematical methods: Implications for construction grammar
Farah Ben Mansour The effect of Foreign Language Anxiety on listening comprehension. Tunisian EFL students as a case study.
Eveliina Mäntylä The combinations of a Finnish imperative-form verb and a clitic particle as constructions
Lola Marinato, Giuditta Caliendo and Maarten Lemmens Sharing grief through metaphors and neologisms: A study on French narratives of perinatal loss
Jesus Olguin Martinez ‘Let alone’ from a construction-grammar perspective
Jesus Olguin Martinez and Stefan Th. Gries The lexical-specific nature of syntax: Hypothetical manner constructions and Filler-Slot Relations
Rocío Martínez Why do we want an LSA (Argentine Sign Language) bill? Framing the problem throughout the LSA campaign
Rocío Martínez Perspective in Argentine Sign Language narratives
Yo Matsumoto and Keigo Ujiie A corpus-based study of the linguistic representation of change-of-state events in Japanese: An examination of the parallelism between motion and change
Yoshihiro Matsunaka, Yiting Chen and Kazuko Shinohara Fluidity in Japanese Emotion Metaphors: A Corpus Study
Theresa Matzinger, Michael Pleyer, Elizabeth Qing Zhang and Przemyslaw Zywiczynski Pause Length Predicts Cognitive State Attribution in Native and Non-Native Speakers
Theresa Matzinger, Marek Placiński, Adam Gutowski, Mariusz Lewandowski, Przemyslaw Zywiczynski and Slawomir Wacewicz Linguistic preference outcompetes alignment as a predictor for assessing others’ cooperativeness
Nicole Mazzetto The synchronic motivation of idioms: An empirical study
Kahina Mechat The Interrelationship Background Knowledge/Input: A Case Study.
Manel Mefteh Multimodal metaphorical humor in Facebook PhD memes
Qingnan Meng and Weihua Luo A Study on the Semantic Preference of English Near-synonymous Suffixes via Linguistic Motion Chart —— taking “-proof” vs. “-resistant” as an example
Sabrina Mennella, Maria Di Maro and Martina Di Bratto Common Sense Knowledge graph generation for information-gap requests in dialogue systems
Ana Tona Messina and Barend Beekhuizen Speech Framing Verbs in Spoken Language Complicate Crosslinguistic Findings
Alice Mevis Recipient passives in Mozambican Portuguese: a case of constructional alternation in the making
Olaf Mikkelsen GRAMMATICAL CONSTRUCTIONS AND THE USAGE-BASED MODEL. Schemas, chunks and everything between. Evidence from Germanic and Romance
Eleanor Miller and Mikhail Kissine Common Ground Updates do not depend on how Information is conveyed: a Recognition Memory study
Tally Mccormick Miller and Friedemann Pulvermüller Theme session AD HOC COGNITION AND THE WHORFIAN QUESTION: TOWARDS AN EXPERIENTIAL AND SITUATED MODEL OF LANGUAGE-THOUGHT INTERACTIONS Music to my ears (and fingers): Investigating causal effects of verbal vs. musical labels on tactile discrimination
Gosse Minnema, Sara Gemelli, Chiara Zanchi, Viviana Patti, Tommaso Caselli and Malvina Nissim On responsibility perception in femicide news reports: critical analysis bridging cognitive theories and computational tools
Verena Minow Conceptualisations of fatherhood and otherness in the television series The Mandalorian
Yael Mishani-Uval “Meaning in life” through language
Sarah Moar, Stéphanie Bonnefille, Eve Sweetser and Elise Stickles Building the French-language MetaNet Wiki: A collaborative online resource for metaphor and image schema analysis en français
Sarah Moar and Elise Stickles it semed to be sumthing': Constructing Salem's Witnesses' Seem-Construct-i-con
Sergei Monakhov, Karsten Schmidtke-Bode and Holger Diessel Theme session GRAMMATICAL CONSTRUCTIONS AND THE USAGE-BASED MODEL - Complex words as shortest paths in the network of lexical knowledge
Kevin Moore The structure of temporal concepts in Wolof
Francisca Aguilo Mora Theme session CONSTRUCTIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON MOTION EVENT ENCODING - Conceptual Processes in the Teaching of Thinking-for-Speaking Patterns and Motion Events
Chahrazad Mouhoubi-Messadh On Re-considering Students’ EFL Writing “from Cognition to Affect”
Cameron Mozafari and Michael Israel Lexical Semantic Change and the Discursive Construction of Political Identity: Narrative, Gaslighting, and Performative Wokeness
Albana Muco Diatopically marked phraseological units with colour terms in Albanian
Cornelia Müller Taking an affective stance: How affectivity is mobilized in mediatised political debates.
Gisela Elina Müller Lexical and constructional density in parentheticals: cognitive aspects and metadiscursive functions
Julia Muschalik, Dominic Schmitz, Akhilesh Kakolu Ramarao and Dinah Baer-Henney Typing /s/ – Morphology between the keys?
Laura Nadal and Iria Bello An experimental study on the procedural Italian units tuttavia and entrambi
Hiromi Nakatani A Comparison of Sentence-Final Expressions in English, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean Based on Translations of English Tag Questions
Takuto Nakayama The Equi-complexity vs. Typology: Measurement of Overall Linguistic Complexity and Typological Categories
Anna Di Natale, Max Pellert and David Garcia Theme session CROSS-LINGUISTI COLEXIFICATION ACROSS RESEARCH FIELDS - Affective meaning in colexification networks and applications to automatic lexica expansion
Jakob Neels, Sven Leuckert and Arne Lohmann “I used to really think that uhm languages did have to be simple”: Grammaticalisation of habitual aspect in World Englishes
Tore Nesset, Martina Björklund and Svetlana Sokolova Special operations: Russian rivalry in cognitive linguistics
Tore Nesset, Valentina Zhukova and Anastasia Makarova Theme Session: “Pushing Everyone's Buttons: Cognitive Methods in Political Discourse Analysis” – The linguistics of threats: a cognitive approach to political discourse
Phillip Alexander Neumair „To me, punk is still also a counterculture“ – How can constructions and frames be used to analyse positioning practices in subcultural debates?
Rickard Nilsson and Andrea C. Schalley Expressions of intentionality and inter-speaker agreement: English speakers show less convergence and certainty in their constructional choices than Spanish speakers
Rickard Nilsson Intra-language variability of path framing and manner encoding
Andrea Nini A formal model of lexicogrammatical individuality
Jonas Nölle, Yichen Wu, Pablo Arias, Yueyao Yang, Oliver G. B. Garrod, Phillipe G. Schyns and Rachael E. Jack Multimodal markers of confidence and doubt: Inferring Feeling of Knowing from facial movements
Elisabeth Norcliffe and Asifa Majid Theme session: WORDS AND MEANINGS: CROSS-LINGUISTIC VARIABILITY AND REGULARITY IN THE LEXICON Title: Cross-linguistic regularities in perception verb colexification
Elisabeth Norcliffe and Asifa Majid Theme Session: CROSS-LINGUISTIC COLEXIFICATIONS ACROSS RESEARCH FIELDS Title: Partial and full colexification in the perception domain
Shervin Nosrati and Nicole Abboud Fighting for the floor: Gestural expressions in a shared competitive space
Yoshiyuki Notohara Conventionalised Illocutionary Scenarios and Figurative Thought Patterns from the Psychological Schema Constructions in Spoken English
Ludmila Novotny A monosemic analysis of the form through
Hajime Nozawa, Kazuho Kambara and Takeshi Takahashi How to Do Thing "with an elbow" - A Constructional Approach to Adjuncts
Victoria Nyst WORDS AND MEANINGS: CROSS-LINGUISTIC VARIABILITY AND REGULARITY IN THE LEXICON: The impact of modality and bimodal language contact on colexification: spatial lexemes in African and European sign languages
Todd Oakley SESSION TITLE "Mental Spaces, blending and viewpoint: Papers in memory of Gilles Fauconnier" : Scalar Reasoning in Macroeconomics: The Rhetorical Oddities of Even.
Anna Obukhova Theme Session: Pushing Everyone’s Buttons: Cognitive Methods in Political Discourse Analysis. Market Basket Analysis: What Do Russian Media Say about Svalbard?
Corrine Occhino and Ryan Lepic Signs are Constructions
Cândido Oliveira and Thaís Sá Examining the training effects of the maze task for native language development
Alin Olteanu Conceptualization as semiotic modeling
Chinenye Esther Onuoha Grounding in Igbo Grammar: A Cognitive Linguistics Approach
Paloma Opazo, Alan Cienki, Bert Oben and Geert Brône Gesture mimicry in teacher-student interaction: A study on office hour consultations
Pedro Ivorra Ordines A crosslinguistic corpus-based study of the “construction proper” vs “patterns of coining” distinction
Naoki Otani A cognitive sociolinguistic study of prepositional complements of prepositions in English
Irene Pagliai Are apples and oranges being compared? The theoretical difference between idiomatic decomposability and transparency and its empirical pursuit
Susannah Paice Traceback as a method for exploring usage-based second language acquisition
Maryam Pakzadian Cognitive iconicity: A corpus-based analysis of the positioning of adverbial clauses in Persian
Yuliia Palii, Zoia Butenko, Anna Endresen and Laura Alexis Janda A Constructicon for Ukrainian: Objectives, Strategies, Results
Bill Palmer On the (non)rareness of egocentric spatial encoding
Klaus-Uwe Panther and Linda L. Thornburg Modeling Figurative Action in Embodied Speech Acts
Klaus-Uwe Panther and Linda Thornburg (Theme session Pushing Everyone’s Buttons: Cognitive Methods in Political Discourse Analysis)Modeling Figuration in Climate Change Cartoons
Chiara Paolini, Hubert Cuyckens, Stefania Marzo, Dirk Speelman and Benedikt Szmrecsanyi Putting semantics back on the map: enriching grammatical alternation research with distributional semantics
Maike Park Reconstructing construction networks from usage patterns in first language acquisition data
Stefano De Pascale Core expansion in diachronic prototype semantics: a computational case study on loanwords
Esther Pascual, Stef Spronck and Arie Verhagen Fictive indirect speech: Demonstration of conversation as a scalar phenomenon
Kinga Patterson, James Street and Andriy Myachykov Phrasal frequency and literacy as predictors of on-line processing and comprehension of English subject-verb agreement
Namrata Paul and Sanjukta Ghosh The Taste of Anger: A Conceptual Metaphor Analysis of Anger in Bangla
Naomi Peck Serial verb constructions package information, not events
Laura Peiró-Márquez and Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano CONSTRUCTIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON MOTION EVENT ENCODING : LANGUAGE TYPOLOGY, USAGE, AND ACQUISITION.What the interplay between speech and gesture reveals about motion events in European Spanish: cross-modal distribution and semantic congruency
Jamin Pelkey Rethinking body partonymy: From random typologies to relational systems across 48 world languages
Florent Perek and Adele Goldberg GRAMMATICAL CONSTRUCTIONS AND THE USAGE-BASED MODEL The productivity of constructions: beyond type frequency
Peter Petré Theme session GRAMMATICAL CONSTRUCTIONS AND THE USAGE-BASED MODEL - Back to cognition: the dynamics of constructions and grammar in individuals
Dirk Pijpops GRAMMATICAL CONSTRUCTIONS AND THE USAGE-BASED MODEL - Ready-made chunks or schematic generalizations? Using agent-based simulation and corpora to discover how constructions are processed
Christina Piot Is he pushing the cart to the tiger cage or is he going to the tiger cage with the cart? The multimodal expression of caused motion events in French and Dutch as L1 and L2
Reza Pishghadam and Shaghayegh Shayesteh Sadafian Introducing the Judgmental Hypothesis of Sensory Relativism: ERP and GSR ‎Investigations of Sentence Processing
Monika Pleyer “the living dead” or “fight till the end”? – Metaphors of dementia in online health forums
Michael Pleyer, Svetlana Kuleshova and Elizabeth Qing Zhang Tool Use, Analogy and the Evolution of the Cognitive Foundations of Metaphor: An Archaeological and Comparative Perspective
Katja Politt and Alexander Willich “Ich hab letztens im Internet total den süßen Hund gefunden” - Grammaticalization paths of NP-external degree modifiers in German
Serhiy Potapenko and Nataliia Izotova Ukrainian President Zelenskyy’s war discourse: An idea-turned-effect analysis
Thomas Poulton From stars to constellations: Tracing phonaesthemic remotivation through English
Thomas Poulton and Kate Burridge Making scents: Regularity in the semantic source domains of smell words
Leonarda Prela, Miquel Llompart and Ewa Dabrowska The effect of aptitude and input on the grammatical proficiency of adult Greek-English bilinguals
Thomas Prinzie Variability of multiple translations as evidence for cognitive and linguistic factors underlying translator decisions
Nadine Proske and Arne Zeschel Pseudo-coordination in German
Valentijn Prové, Bert Oben and Kurt Feyaerts Hand gestures in L1-L2 conversations: a frame-based analysis
Marina Pusenjak Basic colour terms revisited - cross-linguistic variability and regularity in the colour term lexicon
Saskia van Putten and Asifa Majid Communicating about vision and touch in two unrelated languages
Moira Van Puyvelde, Laura Rosseel, Eline Zenner and Dirk Speelman The role of co-occurrence patterns in the acquisition of sociolinguistic variation: shaping a methodological framework
Jiashen Qu and Koji Miwa Conceptualization of event roles in a second language: Effects of L1, L2 word frequencies, and L2 proficiency
Antje Endesfelder Quick, Stefan Hartmann and Paul Ibbotson USAGE-BASED APPROACHES TO MULTIILINGUALISM - A Dynamic Network Approach to bilingual child data
Günter Radden Motivating English Aspect
Claudia Raihert and Barend Beekhuizen Speaking figuratively across genres: discourse, metaphor, and variation
Xiaohui Rao and Lijuan Liang Why people process irony differently: Usage likelihood and usage acceptance matter
Jarno Raukko The polysemy of about - an untypical preposition - in the eyes of creative producer respondents
Maria Reile, Helen Hint, Piia Taremaa and Renate Pajusalu The role of demonstrative determiners in spatial conceptualization – pitting demonstrative pronouns against demonstrative adverbs
Maria Reile and Mariann Proos Vague quantifiers in Estonian: evidence from a picture choice task
Uta Reinöhl, Kirsten Culhane, Simon Fries, Naomi Peck and Maria Vollmer “One new idea” constraint holds cross-linguistically even in “flat” expressions
Sally Rice and Jennifer Hinnell Theme session MULTIMODAL STANCE-TAKING IN GESTURE AND SIGN - The Body's Stance on Stance
Claudia Maria Riehl USAGE-BASED APPROACHES TO MULTILINGUALISM - Language contact and the emergence of replica-constructions: Evidence from German heritage communities
Lalou Rival The role of polysemy of English negation in the linguistically restrictive environment of the courtroom: A case study of the construal of responsibility in three Chicago rape trials
Susanne Rott The Impact of Individual Learner Differences and Learned Attention on the Development of Formulaic Chunks
Laura Ruth-Hirrel and Sherman Wilcox Submission for Theme Session "THE CONCEPTUALIZATION AND EMBODIMENT OF LIST CONSTRUCTIONS ACROSS SIGNED AND SPOKEN LANGUAGES" - Towards a typology of gestural enumeration strategies in English
Laura Ruth-Hirrel, Shervin Nosrati and Nicole Abboud Common Ground and Shared Gesture Space: Interpersonal Placing Acts in English
Wenhui Sah and Paochuan Torng The development of oral narrative abilities of young children in rural areas: A three-year longitudinal study
Julia Salzinger “The smell hit me hard, and I dropped” – The semantic roles of smell
Paul Sambre Semiotic trees and maximalist conceptualization: olive trees as conceptual anchors in antimafia communities
Sara Fernández Santos, Miquel Llompart and Ewa Dabrowska Evolution of cognitive representations: The case of Spanish object relatives
Maria Sarhemaa The polysemy of the Finnish jonnet ei muista (‘youngsters don’t remember’) construction
Ayako Sato Reconsidering metaphor as double metonymy
Daz Saunders MENTAL SPACES, BLENDING AND VIEWPOINT: PAPERS IN MEMORY OF GILLES FAUCONNIER. Mouth actions and blended spaces in Quebec Sign Language (LSQ)
Daz Saunders MULTIMODAL STANCE-TAKING IN GESTURE AND SIGN. Stance-taking mouth actions in Quebec Sign Language (LSQ)
Bisalakshi Sawarni and Gautam K. Borah The metaphorical use of the verbs in the non-nominative subject-construction in Assamese
Martin Schäfer The role of semantics in the rivalry of -ity and -ness: Evidence from distributional models
Dominic Schmitz, Viktoria Schneider and Janina Esser A discriminative account of masculine generics and their masculine bias in German
Dominic Schmitz, Defne Cicek, Anh Kim Nguyen and Daniel Rottleb Cuteness amplifies effects of size sound symbolism: A cute /i/ is smaller than an ugly one
Viktoria Schneider, Dominic Schmitz and Ingo Plag Denominal and deverbal eventuality-related nominalizations from a discriminative perspective
Dominik Schoppa and Elisa Fest ‘Non-inserted’ meaning? A metacommunicative perspective on the conceptualization of empty/hollow words in English and German news discourse
Melissa Schuring and Eline Zenner The cognitive reality of ‘talking like’. Modeling linguistic stereotype formation in preadolescents’ roleplay
Melissa Schuring and Eline Zenner Farmer Jan featuring film star Brad. A cognitive socio-onomastic take on English first name stereotypes in Flanders
Martin Sedláček Don’t come knocking on my door: verb-framing in satellite-framed languages in usage-based perspective
Kazuki Sekine, Yuto Tanaka, Yuri Terasawa and Midori Takayama The effect of visual information on speech comprehension in Japanese younger and older adults
Rüya Su Şencan, Shreya Havaldar, Batja Mesquita, Lyle Ungar and Katie Hoemann Verbal descriptions of experience and the conceptualization of emotion across cultures
Karsten Senkbeil “Blended Origo” – Deixis in Virtual Reality
Barbara Shaffer and Terry Janzen Theme session: MULTIMODAL STANCE-TAKING IN GESTURE AND SIGN - Complex stances in ASL narratives: Intersubjective stance-building from past and present spaces
Yun Shen Shape-related Classifiers Effect on Mandarin-Speaking Children and Adults’ Object Categorization
Lin Shen Linguistic analysis of the scarcity mindset: A corpus-based LIWC study of the United Nations General Debate (1987-2020)
Haruka Shimura, Naoaki Wada and Ayana Ogawa A Cognitive Linguistic Approach to “Emotional Effects” of the Present Perfect Progressive
Kazuko Shinohara and Ryoko Uno Does Japanese have language-specific sound symbolism? A comparison with English and French
Poppy Siahaan and Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg The many meanings of rasa: Indonesian perception verb used for ‘taste’ and ‘touch’ which also means 'to think' and 'to feel'
Natalia Siereda USAGE-BASED APPROACHES TO MULTILINGUALISM - Egyptian Arabic-English Code-Switching in Egyptian female vlogs
Vinicius Macuch Silva, Alexandra Lorson, Abigal Kinsella, Greg Woodin and Bodo Winter A corpus analysis of English change-of-state verbs used to talk about quantity
Augusto Soares da Silva and Susana Afonso GRAMMATICAL CONSTRUCTIONS AND THE USAGE-BASED MODEL Where in the network of constructions does an alternation occur? Taxonomic and horizontal links between allostructions. Evidence from Portuguese
Olli Silvennoinen Negative conditional constructions in English: A usage-based perspective
Kaius Sinnemäki, Francesca Di Garbo, Eri Kashima and T. Mark Ellison NEW PERSPECTIVES ON COMMUNICATIVE EFFICIENCY: Communicative efficiency and language contact
Anita Slonimska, Asli Ozyurek and Olga Capirci Theme session NEW PERSPECTIVES ON COMMUNICATIVE EFFICIENCY - Communicative efficiency in sign languages: the role of the visual modality-specific properties
Isabeau De Smet and Laura Rosseel Who’s afraid of homophones? An experimental study on homophony avoidance between present and past tense in Dutch
Kenny Smith WORDS AND MEANINGS: CROSS-LINGUISTIC VARIABILITY AND REGULARITY IN THE LEXICON Studying the evolution of word meanings in the lab
Eleanor Smith, Peter Petre and Hubert Cuyckens Cognitive aspects of leaders and laggers in syntactic change
Conor Snoek Verbs of striking in Dene languages
Svetlana Sokolova and Sandra Birzer Unraveling morphological competition: derivational properties of loan markers
Reza Soltani and Laura A. Janda The Lexicon-Grammar Continuum: What Persian Complex Predicates Reveal
Lotte Sommerer and Florent Perek Definiteness and verb meaning: Investigating the definiteness profile of English verbs
Laura J. Speed, Eva D. Poort, Heidi Baseler, Tanita P. Duiker and Asifa Majid Comparing word meanings for their sensory underpinnings in early-blind and sighted people
Mahesh Srinivasan Theme session WORDS AND MEANINGS: CROSS-LINGUISTIC VARIABILITY AND REGULARITY IN THE LEXICON - Language learning and the emergence of polysemy across languages
Veronika Stampfer and Thomas Herbst Contact-specification constructions in English and German
Anatol Stefanowitsch and Juliana Goschler Transfer and Generalization in L2 Learning: The Role of L1 and L2 Entrenchment
Anatol Stefanowitsch Degrees of constituency in English complex prepositions
Philipp Striedl Modeling landscape concepts using sensorimotor and emotional norms
Inna Stupak and Harald Baayen German affixed words: morphological productivity and semantic transparency
Lena Stutz and Nina Böbel The problem of productivity. Recent issues, challenges and approaches in the field of CxG
Rui Su and Panos Athanasopoulos The effect of COVID-related quarantine on individuals’ implicit space-time mappings on the front-back axis
Yusuke Sugaya What Factors Influence Conceptual Salience Assigned to Nominals of Sentences? Evidence from Eye Fixation on Visual Images
Janja Čulig Suknaić and Mateusz Milan Stanojević Divergent pathways between motivational source and target: the neither X nor Y construction in English and Croatian
Juan Sun and Shuying Chen Assessing the role of lexical aspect in the acquisition of French Passé Composé and Imparfait: The case of Chinese-speaking learners of French
Ching-Chu Sun, Tim Wientzek and Peter Hendrix Visual and auditory lexical decision in German: An online megastudy
Hongxi Sun DIACHRONIC PERSPECTIVES ON FORM-MEANING MAPPING: TESTING THE MACRO-EVENT HYPOTHESIS – Reduplicative Verbs in Mandarin: Evidence for Talmy’s Conflation Patterns
Yalin Sun, Paavo Leppänen, Susannah Otieno-Leppänen and Hongjun Chen Masked Priming Effects on Metaphor Comprehension in Chinese English Learners: An ERP Study
Kohei Suzuki Distributions of Synonyms and Antonyms in Japanese Color Terms Contrasted with Borrowed Color Terms
Eve Sweetser MENTAL SPACES, BLENDING AND VIEWPOINT: PAPERS IN MEMORY OF GILLES FAUCONNIER Blending spaces to compose speech and gesture meaning
Lilla Petronella Szabó Making a cardinal point: The conceptualization of EAST and WEST in Hungarian politics
Benedikt Szmrecsanyi, Matt Hunt Gardner and Thomas Van Hoey Theme session GRAMMATICAL CONSTRUCTIONS AND THE USAGE-BASED MODEL - Competing grammatical constructions: questioning No Synonymy
Aleksander Szwedek Thematic Roles in Image Schemas. A Missing Link Between Reality and Mind
Sabina Tabacaru WOMAN IS SEXUAL OBJECT and MAN IS GENES. A cognitive analysis of incel discourse
Shione Takahama A semantic network analysis of the preposition by between space and time
Maria Koptjevskaja Tamm WORDS AND MEANINGS: CROSS-LINGUISTIC VARIABILITY AND REGULARITY IN THE LEXICON "Lexical typology and cognitive semantics: extended uses of temperature terms"
Mi Tang, Jiayun Zhang and Jennifer Spenader Statistical learning of tone is constrained by native language experience
Devin Tankersley and Jill P. Morford “Not that, that”: Coordinating joint attention through featural modulation in ASL demonstratives
Vittorio Tantucci and Aiqing Wang Dynamic Resonance and Complex Imitation in Autistic Speech: Creativity Competing with Engagement in Chinese Children with ASD
Elizaveta Tarasova, José Antonio Sánchez Fajardo and Natalia Beliaeva Baddie or baddo? The weight of -ie and -o affixes in creating connotations
Piia Taremaa, Johanna Kiik and Ann Veismann Zooming into manner: the uneven structure of speed adverbs in Estonian
Herbert Rostand Ngouo Tchio A semio-cognitive and pragmatic analysis of speech acts in WhatsApp affinity communities
Krista Teeri-Niknammoghadam Metaphorical and metonymic uses of ‘grammar’ in linguistic discourse
Maria Telegina Spatial Concepts and Patterns of Extended Spatial Description in Contemporary Japanese
Martin Thiering and Stephan Günzel Spatial Image Schemas and Viewpoints Interacting in the Computer Game Puzzles Manifold Garden and Hyperbolica
Xiaoyu Tian, Dirk Speelman and Weiwei Zhang Chinese analytic causative constructions with shi(使), ling(令), jiao1(叫) and jiao2(教): Diachronic variation across seven centuries
Annika Tjuka and Johann-Mattis List CROSS-LINGUISTIC COLEXIFICATIONS ACROSS RESEARCH FIELDS - The body as an analogy for object names: A study of partial colexifications across languages
Oksana Tkachman Perspective Taking in Signing about Space: Conflated Relative-Intrinsic Frame of Reference and Its Consequences for Conventionalization of Lexical Signs
Yuuki Tomoshige Metaphors and Repetition in the First U.S. Inaugural Addresses (1960 ~2021)
Kiyoko Toratani On the ‘newer’ usage of Japanese nominal compounds, X-kan [X-sense]: A Construction Morphology perspective
Kajsa Törmä ASTROMOTION - Moving to (and through) outer space
Tiago Torrent and Mark Turner Theme Session: MENTAL SPACES, BLENDING AND VIEWPOINT: PAPERS IN MEMORY OF GILLES FAUCONNIER - Persistence of the base
Ilona Tragel and Liisa-Maria Komissarov We, you and beyond: intersubjective relations on COVID-19 public signs from Tallinn and Berlin
Ilona Tragel Image-schematic representations of conceptual space - for experts only? Estonian verbs in drawing task
Mark Turner Theme session: PUSHING EVERYONE'S BUTTONS: COGNITIVE METHODS IN POLITICAL DISCOURSE - Grammatical and multimodal patterns of compression in political discourse
Alimujiang Tusun CONSTRUCTIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON MOTION EVENT ENCODING: LANGAUGE TYPOLOGY, USAGE, AND ACQUISITION - Placement and removal events in Modern Uyghur: A typological perspective
Irmak Su Tütüncü, Jing Paul, Samantha N. Emerson, Murat Şengül, Melanie Knezevic and Şeyda Özçalışkan Theme session CONSTRUCTIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON MOTION EVENT ENCODING: LANGUAGE TYPOLOGY, USAGE, AND ACQUISITION - When gestures do or do not follow language-specific patterns of motion expression in speech: Evidence from Chinese, English, and Turkish
Eleni Tzimopoulou, Jenny Hartman and Carita Paradis Realizations of EVENTS in descriptions of everyday sounds
Chinedu Uchechukwu Verbal Classifier Features of the Igbo Verb Root
Peter Uhrig, Anna Wilson, Scott Hale and Irina Pavlova Targeting in Media Communication - Cognitive Models and Computational Applications
Tobias Ungerer and Stefan Hartmann GRAMMATICAL CONSTRUCTIONS AND THE USAGE-BASED MODEL - What is a “taxonomic network”? On the relationship between hierarchies and networks
Tobias Ungerer Sneezing the napkin off the table: Mechanisms of valency coercion in eye-tracking
Ryoko Uno, Kanako Komiya and Masayuki Asahara How do we categorize known and unknown ideophones? A case study of Japanese reduplicated ideophones
Fatıma Uslu and Tan Arda Gedik Investigating Literacy Related Differences in Adult Turkish Native Speakers: the Aorist Suffix
Ene Vainik and Heete Sahkai Using dictionary definitions to identify the semantic profile of an open slot in a construction
Norbert Vanek, Jan Chromý, Václav Jonáš Podlipský and Asifa Majid Theme Session AD HOC COGNITION AND THE WHORFIAN QUESTION: TOWARDS AN EXPERIENTIAL AND SITUATED MODEL OF LANGUAGE-THOUGHT INTERACTIONS - Verbal and nonverbal cueing in olfactory categorisation: Are words unique?
Martine Vanhove Theme session: WORDS AND MEANINGS: CROSS-LINGUISTIC VARIABILITY AND REGULARITY IN THE LEXICON - Self-propelled WALK verbs in Beja (Cushitic)
Chrysoula Vassiliu, Henriette Hendriks and Victoria Leong Effects of Emergent Bilingualism on the Cognitive Control of Four-Year-Old Children
Ann Veismann, Piia Taremaa and Johanna Kiik Fictive motion event structure in Estonian
Svetlana Vetchinnikova, Alena Konina, Nitin Williams, Nina Mikušová and Anna Mauranen Perceptual chunking of spontaneous speech: Linguistic cues and cognitive constraints
Svetlana Vetchinnikova Exploring individual variation in constructional schematicity using random effects
Ana Vianna, Mikaela Martins, Eduardo Cortes, Sandro Rigo and Rafael Kunst Integrating Frame Semantics in Lexical Substitution Tasks to Improve Lexical Precision
Gayane Vlasyan and Elena Petrova The main functions of linguistic hedging in conversational discourse: a corpus-based study
Naoaki Wada Be going to and gaan: A contrastive study of go-futures in English and Dutch
Xiaoxi Wang An experimental investigation into the perception of Chinese sound symbolism
Menghan Wang and Helen Zhao Schematic Diagrams and L2 Mental Simulation of English Prepositional Phrases
Qian Wang and Qingnan Meng A Multivariate Quantitative Study on English Marginal Modal Construction from the Perspective of Variationist Linguistics—— A Case Study of “dare (to) V”
Chunhua Wang DIACHRONIC PERSPECTIVES ON MEANING-FORM MAPPING: TESTING THE MACRO-EVENT HYPOTHESIS – A Diachronic Study on the Subjectification of the Verb-directional Construction “V 过-V guò-V past” in Chinese
Yi'Na Wang Complement construction of the cognitive predicates “think/believe” in English and Chinese
Michelle Weckermann “At work at university”: a cognitive semantic study of the polysemy of the preposition 'at'
Nicole Weidinger, Stefanie Haberzettl and Valentin Kany USAGE-BASED APPROACHES TO MULTILINGUALISM - Preschool language assessment for multilingual children. A usage-based approach
Zhang Wenjie On the Importance of "Literacy" from the Phenomenon of "Spread of Traditional Chinese Medicine to the West" ——Also on how to solve the problem of "the difficulty in learning Chinese characters"
Sherman Wilcox, André Xavier and Satu Siltaloppi Theme session THE CONCEPTUALIZATION AND EMBODIMENT OF LIST CONSTRUCTIONS ACROSS SIGNED AND SPOKEN LANGUAGES List Constructions in Two Signed Languages
Ell Wilding The relationship between English words rated as ‘iconic’ and (iconic) gesture
Kelsey Wilson THEME SESSION: MENTAL SPACES, BLENDING AND VIEWPOINT: PAPERS IN MEMORY OF GILLES FAUCONNIER Submission Title: Reconciling layers of discourse in Dungeons & Dragons through the Discourse Viewpoint Space
Anna Wilson Future Conceptualizations in English Speech and Co-Speech Hand Gesture: Direction and Orientation
Elodie Winckel and Ewa Dąbrowska A study of Individual Differences in L1 Grammatical Comprehension of Complex syntax
Elodie Winckel, Ruihua Mao, Harry Yu, Anne Abeillé, Barbara Hemforth and Edward Gibson Examining the Role of Information Structure in In-Situ Interrogatives
Bodo Winter, Martin H. Fischer, Christoph Scheepers and Andriy Myachykov More is better: Language statistics reveal a bias towards addition
Niklas Wiskandt and Dila Turus Simplex-LVC pairs with experiencer objects in German: How causativity can ‘transfer us into excitement’
Erik Witte, Krister Schönström, Thomas Björkstrand, Henrik Danielsson and Emil Holmer Effects of lexical neighbourhood density and phonotactic probability studied with a new database of matched pairs of real signs and modelled pseudosigns in the Swedish Sign Language
Ewelina Wnuk Verbs of climbing: Semantic specificity in an under-explored corner of motion verb typology
Ewelina Wnuk and Jan Wodowski Cross-linguistic variation in descriptions of human faces
Greg Woodin, Bodo Winter, Jeannette Littlemore, Marcus Perlman and Jack Grieve How numerical communication reflects cognition: A corpus-based analysis
Richenda Wright, Elodie Winckel and Ewa Dąbrowska The role of print exposure and language aptitude in adolescent writing complexity and receptive grammar
Shuqiong Wu The time orientation of qian ‘front’ and hou ‘back’ in Chinese: A Corpus-based Behavioral Profile Analysis
Xiaofang Wu and Na Liu Construal and Linguistic Expression of Caused-motion by Chinese Adults: An Empirical Analysis
Di Wu and Jordan Zlatev Toward an identification procedure for verbal and pictorial metonymy
Piotr Wyroślak Theme session GRAMMATICAL CONSTRUCTIONS AND THE USAGE-BASED MODEL – Establishing constructionhood(s): The role of multimodal context in identifying constructions
André Xavier and Sherman Wilcox Theme session THE CONCEPTUALIZATION AND EMBODIMENT OF LIST CONSTRUCTIONS ACROSS SIGNED AND SPOKEN LANGUAGES Pinkie First: List Constructions in Brazilian Portuguese Co-speech gesture and Libras
Kairong Xiao A Sentiment Analysis Approach to Readers’ Reception of Translated Metaphors
Yang Xu CROSS-LINGUISTIC COLEXIFICATIONS ACROSS RESEARCH FIELDS - On colexification and shared foundations of lexical creativity
Hongying Xu How does inferential information expressed by nominal expressions serve to structure different English texts?
Mengmin Xu, Fuyin Li and Benedikt Szmrecsanyi DIACHRONIC PERSPECTIVES ON MEANING-FORM MAPPING: TESTING THE MACRO-EVENT HYPOTHESIS- Modeling the locative alternation in Mandarin Chinese: A corpus-based study
Tingting Xu DIACHRONIC PERSPECTIVES ON FORM-MEANING MAPPING: TESTING THE MACRO-EVENT HYPOTHESIS –On the Evolution of Chinese Resultative Constructions: A Case Study of “V-败(bài; defeat/fail)” Constructions
Yuyan Xue and John Williams Novel grammatical knowledge causes shifts in both attentional and pre-attentive visual processing: ERP evidence for linguistic relativity
Yuhang Yang DIACHRONIC PERSPECTIVES ON FORM-MEANING MAPPING: TESTING THE MACRO-EVENT HYPOTHESIS - A Diachronic Study on Chinese Complex Directional Complements “guòlái/come over” and “guòqù/go over”: From the Perspective of the Macro-event Hypothesis
Jiahao Yang and Sotaro Kita Theme Session NEW PERSPECTIVES ON COMMUNICATIVE EFFICIENCY - Gesturing to be understood: Hearing speaker create manual symbol that benefits comprehension
Yi Yang and Harald Baayen Exploring semantic organization across mental lexicons: Perception verbs in Mandarin and English
Jingting Ye The semantic space for adjectives
Jiangling Yu, Shan Gao and Renqiang Wang Semantic analysis of emotion-label synonyms: a corpus-based account of sympathy, compassion and empathy
Guorong Yuan A socio-pragmatic critique of pragmatic failures in other-prefaces: Take the Chinese academic monograph as an example
Xiaoben Yuan A multimodal investigation on metaphor productions of early adolescents: how 11-year-old Japanese children understand the concept of tax/taxation through postcard drawings
Rosa Zaaijer, Caitlin Meyer and Monique Flecken Theme session AD HOC COGNITION AND THE WHORFIAN QUESTION: TOWARDS AN EXPERIENTIAL AND SITUATED MODEL OF LANGUAGE-THOUGHT INTERACTIONS - Verbal labels facilitate event learning.
Eva Zehentner and Dirk Pijpops Is language efficient or redundant? How language users distinguish the agent from the recipient in English and Dutch
Eva Zehentner GRAMMATICAL CONSTRUCTIONS AND THE USAGE-BASED MODEL: Revisiting constructional gradience: V-PP patterns in the history of English
Arne Zeschel, Felix Bildhauer and Thilo Weber Ongoing change and where to track it: Studying incipient grammaticalisation on the example of the German am-progressive
Elmira Zhamaletdinova Modality and Tense: A cognitive approach to the Russian možno ‘be possible’ construction
Qiujun Zhang Grammatical Aspect and Goal Preferences: Evidence from Linguistic Analysis and Motion Event Categorization
Zhuo Zhang and Meichun Liu Differentiating Chinese modals of epistemic necessity: A collostructional analysis of post-modal pattern [Mod + Verb]
Tao Zhang and Qianqian Li General Principle of Motion Event Encoding: Contrastive analysis between Chinese, Spanish, and English
Cuiying Zhang and Fuyin Li DIACHRONIC PERSPECTIVES ON FORM-MEANING MAPPING TESTING THE MACRO-EVENT HYPOTHESIS - An Event Integration Approach to Chinese Instrumental Constructions
Yanmin Zhang and Hui Zhang The legitimating effects of proximization in discourses of public health crisis: An experimental study
Elizabeth Qing Zhang, Edward Ruoyang Shi and Michael Pleyer Categorical Learning and the Cognitive Foundations of Language Evolution and Development
Qian Zhao The Length of English and Chinese Multinomials: A Constructionist Approach
Helen Zhao and Jing Yang Language-specific Effects on the Processing of Mandarin and Cantonese Classifiers in Adult Early Bilinguals
Yue Zhou “Der Schal war gestern sogar mit frühstücken”: Form and meaning of the so-called absentive in informal written German
Bing Zhu What you need to know is what I argue: On the (inter)subjectivity of Mandarin Chinese discourse marker yàozhīdào
Xichu Zhu, Hongjun Chen, Susannah Otieno, Fengyu Cong and Paavo Leppänen Hemispheric dominance of metaphor processing for Chinese-English bilinguals: DVF and ERPs evidence
Aseel Zibin, Abdel Rahman Mitib Altakhaineh and Ola Musmar The Embodiment of ‘head’ through Metonymic Metaphors in Jordanian Arabic as Compared to Tunisian Arabic: A Sub-Cultural Perspective
Alexander Ziem, Alexander Willich and Susanne Triesch Expanding the German FrameNet: Pragmatic frames across lexicon and grammar
Elisabeth Zima Theme session MULTIMODAL STANCE-TAKING IN GESTURE AND SIGN. Non-affiliative stance-taking in storytelling activities
Suren Zolyan The Pronoun “I" as a Subject of Self- and Self-as-the-Other-Reference: A Linguistic Perspective.
Shan Zuo and Fuyin Li DIACHRONIC PERSPECTIVES ON FORM-MEANING MAPPING: TESTING THE MACRO-EVENT HYPOTHESIS - The Semantic Continuum from Disposition to Causative Meaning: Diachronic Changes of Chinese Disposition Construction
Shan Zuo and Fuyin Li DIACHRONIC PERSPECTIVES ON FORM-MEANING MAPPING: TESTING THE MACRO-EVENT HYPOTHESIS - Attraction and Differentiation: Diachronic Developments of the Chinese Disposition Alternation
Karin Zurbuchen Describing taste: A comparative study of taste terms in Estonian and German
Alessandra Zurolo Conceptualising medicine in German and English: a functional, text-typological perspective.
Oliver Czulo, Marcelo Viridiano and Tiago T. Torrent Alignment and annotation issues with English and German image captions
Tiago T. Torrent, Mark Turner and Arthur Lorenzi Almeida Co-Pilots for Frame Semanticists
Ran Iwamoto and Kyoko Ohara Extracting Verb Sense Hierarchies from FrameNet
Benjamin Lyngfelt, Maia Andréasson, Kristian Blensenius, Linnéa Bäckström, Steffen Höder and Peter Ljunglöf Language-internal and cross-linguistic considerations in constructiCon organization – the example of motion constructions in the Swedish ConstructiCon
Paul Van Eecke, Lara Verheyen and Katrien Beuls Operationalising Usage-Based Construction Grammar on a Large Scale
Léo Annebi, Julia Degenhardt and Laurent Gautier On the potential extension of the frame concept to the text level: a case study based on instructional texts
Valentina Zhukova, Anna Endresen, Laura A. Janda, Daria Mordashova, Ekaterina Rakhilina and Olga Lyashevskaya What happens if you try to build a constructicon for a whole language?
Alexander Ziem, Nina Böbel and Alexander Willich What’s in the constructicon? Relating constructional forms and constructional meanings on the full range of the lexicon-grammar continuum
Natália Sigiliano Analyzing Deixis in Multimodal Genres: extending the FrameNet model to account for invited shifts in joint attention in visual narratives
Frederico Belcavello Evaluating speech and image coalescence in meaning construction for frame-based multimodal annotation
Anna Wilson, Peter Uhrig and Irina Pavlova Frames with a Vision
Levi Remijnse, Pia Sommerauer, Antske Fokkens and Piek Vossen How to analyze semantic roles across interfaces: taking FrameNet to discourse level
Ana Ostroški Anić and Ivana Brač Paths and airways: A frame-based representation of spatial concepts in aviation terminology
Levi Remijnse, Pia Sommerauer, Antske Fokkens and Piek Vossen Reconstructing storylines by integrating referential grounding in a FrameNet dataset: an applied approach of computational storytelling
Levi Remijnse, Pia Sommerauer, Antske Fokkens and Piek Vossen How to analyze semantic roles across interfaces: taking FrameNet to discourse level
Voula Giouli, Vera Pilitsidou and Hephestion Christopoulos The Greek FrameNet project: populating and interlinking a lexical resource
Gosse Minnema, Sara Gemelli, Chiara Zanchi, Viviana Patti, Tommaso Caselli and Malvina Nissim The SocioFillmore Project: Frame Semantics for Critical Analysis of Societal Perspective Taking